2 weeks ago
Urle Andy
Startup Tools

Introducing Webtap, the AI-powered web scraping tool built on the Apify Store, delivering unparalleled performance and reliability. Powered by Apify’s robust actors, Webtap makes data extraction simple and efficient. Just describe your data needs in natural language, and our AI-driven scraper does the rest.

Key Features:

  • High Reliability: Built on Apify for consistent and dependable performance.
  • AI-Driven: Uses natural language processing to understand and extract the data you need.
  • Fully Automated: Automatically handles browsing and CAPTCHA solving.
  • User-Friendly: No technical skills required—easy for anyone to use.
  • Seamless Exports: Export your data in the format that suits you best.

Currently, Webtap supports the 100 most popular Apify actors, with plans to expand to 1,500 actors soon. Try Webtap with a 100% free 7-day trial during our Product Hunt launch!

Revolutionize your data extraction today!


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