1 year ago

IntelliBar Features

A tool you can trust: IntelliBar is just a UI for the ChatGPT API, ensuring your questions go directly to the ChatGPT API and no one else

Key Features:

  • Prompt completions: Get suggestions as you type your question
  • Search past chats: ⌘O to find a past chat in a couple of keystrokes
  • Find in chat: ⌘F to find words in the current chat
  • Go back: Use ⌘[ and ⌘] or just swipe left or right
  • Dark mode: Beautiful UI that adapts to your system settings
  • Code highlighting: Easy to read code blocks in any language

Use Cases:

  1. Swiftly receive suggestions for queries with prompt completions as you type.
  2. Easily search and find past chats with a couple of keystrokes.
  3. Locate specific words in current chat using the ‘Find in chat’ feature.
  4. Effortlessly navigate back and forth within the chat interface.


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