1 year ago

ParallelGPT for ChatGPT AI is an AI tool that enables users to perform batch processing of ChatGPT queries in parallel using a spreadsheet UI. It allows for importing prompts in bulk, tweaking prompts with low code, and collaborating with team members to create powerful ChatGPT workflows.

Key Features:

  • Batch Processing: Perform batch processing of ChatGPT queries in parallel using a spreadsheet UI.
  • Bulk Import: Import prompts in bulk from CSV or JSON files for efficient handling of large datasets.
  • Low-Code Environment: Tweak prompts with a low-code environment for customization and fine-tuning.
  • Collaborative Workspace: Collaborate with team members in a spreadsheet-like UI to create powerful ChatGPT workflows.
  • Live Playground: Test features and explore the tool’s capabilities without an account, including coding extensibility and ready-made templates.
  • Security and Privacy: All prompts, generated data, and API keys are stored on the user’s own Google Cloud project for enhanced security and privacy.


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